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With a sad heart I will be out of the office - Printable Version

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With a sad heart I will be out of the office - eurowned - 12-30-2013 10:46 AM

Great words, Jan

Re: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - minimark - 12-30-2013 10:51 AM

Well said indeed.

RE: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - BlimeyCabrio - 12-30-2013 11:35 AM


RE: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - Savvy - 12-30-2013 01:05 PM

Sounds very similar to how each of my dad's parents left us. :'( Sorry for loss, Jan. But if ever there is a way to make that journey... that's it.

RE: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - Swimbaxter - 12-30-2013 01:50 PM


RE: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - astrochex - 12-30-2013 04:01 PM

My condolences, Jan.

What a beautiful eulogy.

RE: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - Dave.0 - 12-30-2013 04:17 PM

Condolences Jan and if you are half the man he was he must have been SUPER Super Dad.

Sorry for you loss, I know the feeling.

RE: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - CHKMINI - 12-31-2013 11:18 AM

Condolences Jan.....nothing can replace family.

Re: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - minime331 - 12-31-2013 12:56 PM

Sorry to hear Jan I know it is a rough time for you.

Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk 2

RE: With a sad heart I will be out of the office - cct1 - 12-31-2013 01:22 PM

Condolences, and glad everyone could be together. Drink a beer or ten for me, when you feel up to celebrating him (and none of that Pabst Light stuff). It may be awhile, but that time will come.