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Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - Printable Version

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RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - silhouette88 - 01-28-2012 07:45 PM

(01-28-2012 06:15 PM)BostonR56S Wrote:  Side note, did we ever have a resolution for the overrun of the wm? I'm noticing sometimes now after letting off and the wm was spraying, it will reduce to one bar flow, and stay there for anywhere as long as 8 seconds now. It used to do it maybe 1 or 2 sec max, never this long.

Should I be concerned?

I don't remember this happening to me, but I admit I rarely stare at the gauge long enough. I'll check it out tomorrow.

Do you notice any other symptoms besides the one bar staying lit?

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - Mutant_Tractor - 01-28-2012 07:46 PM

I get what Boston does on mine too, I just ignore it...

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - ColinGreene - 01-28-2012 09:32 PM

mine will do that, occasionally but i never worried about it, i just thought it was gauge hang. you could also hook up the blue wire to tag it to the map sensor and spray it with a boost point as well.

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - RennSport Racing - 01-29-2012 04:53 AM

Colin's right, apparently it's to do with an anomaly while triggering off IDC. If you trigger of MAP, it doesn't happen.

On another note, I've been fiddling with the gain on my system to try get the 95% IDC red light to flash as I hit redline, and have found that when I change the threshold to trigger earlier, the light flashes earlier. I would have thought that the threshold shouldn't affect when the light comes on.

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - ColinGreene - 01-29-2012 10:28 AM

Renn are you on a R56?

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - Howerton Engineering - 01-29-2012 10:36 AM

I think it's on page 13 of the manual there's a little picture to explain, but: The gain slope is set from the threshold point, so given an fixed IDC end point, say 80% for arguments sake, the earlier the threshold, the more gain at the end, because you a changing the slope of the injection curve, but from the threshold point, where it is always 1:1.

Make sense? If not I can draw a picture.

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - RennSport Racing - 01-30-2012 08:28 AM

Nope makes perfect sense. I thought that the gain took effect from the nominal point of 44% IDC, and the only difference the threshold made was to choose when to start on that particular line set by the gain. I thought that the HFS-6 trim setting was the only thing that changed the injection ratio at the threshold point. My bad.

Colin: yes, I have an R56 JCW.

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - Mutant_Tractor - 01-30-2012 09:30 AM

So it is 1:1 up to 44% (or whatever the threshold is set at) and thereafter is based on the gain?

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - silhouette88 - 02-02-2012 10:41 PM

(01-28-2012 07:45 PM)silhouette88 Wrote:  I don't remember this happening to me, but I admit I rarely stare at the gauge long enough. I'll check it out tomorrow.
Just to provide an update on this, I checked the past couple days and I'm not seeing the "overrun" issue. Just for the record, I'm on an 0.8 mm jet, largest restrictor, threshold and gain still at the default.

RE: Aquamist HFS-3 and MINI Tank GB - silhouette88 - 02-17-2012 03:17 PM

OK so this morning before I left for work I decided to play around with the threshold and gain a little. The kit has been trouble free ever since it was installed but I figured I'd never know if it could be even better if I don't try. So I tweaked the threshold down a bit, and the gain a little up. I've been running 100% meth through the 0.8 mm jet for a couple months and loving it, and I still have the largest (0.9 mm?) restrictor installed.

I took it easy, as always, for the first 10 minutes of driving. Once things were a bit warmer I started testing out pedal position and seeing when it would start injecting. The first time it injected I immediately sensed a difference. Whereas before I would feel the instant I was on boost (like an abrupt change in power), now at the point where power "comes on" it's super smooth. I tried several times just to make sure I wasn't imagining things but felt the same smooth transition effect. I haven't tried a nice long WOT pull in a higher gear yet (my commute barely allows me to reach 45 MPH usually) but I wanted to share this finding and see if anyone else had a similar experience.